Okay, now I can say that this is a record on how long I have not posted on here :) And a lot of stuff has happened since I've last posted on this blog!
But I happy to say that I have survived my first semester of college and now I have two more to go, before I can officially become an LVN! I'm really excited now, but I'm glad to just to be able to relax and not have the worries of school on my shoulders. The Lord has been so good to me since I've started because I know there were plenty of times when I felt that I was going to fail and not make it, and even to the point that I wanted to quit and find something new to do. But he helped me, because he is my strength, my rock, and my salvation, and he is so good that he let me realized that this was the path he wanted me on. And all I can say is that it is for my good and for his glory. My theme verse that I adopted this year at school was Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me." And has that been true, I sat before every test and quoted that verse till I truly believed that I can do all things through him. And it has made me realized that I need to have more faith and trust in my Lord, than always worrying about the negative.
So I'm ready to face all the stressfulness (lol) of nursing school when I go back in January with a new spirit, of doing all things through Christ!
But I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive. and will try to post more often!
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Philippians 2:13
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Oh where, oh where has the sun disappeared to?
So here is another long delayed post again, in which I'm 'supposed' to be studying but yet get distracted by other wonderful things that do not involve studying for the nervous system.
So to bring everything up to date, I received amazing news that I have a 89.4 GPA (1 point away from a A!!!) So I was pretty happy, I gets harder and harder each week with school so I'm ready for a break.
It's really foggy tonight, and when I was driving home from work, I couldn't see anything, so I was driving like 30 mph in a 45 mph zone. It looks like a scary movie outside lol. *totally random* That's why I named the title for this post...I have not seen a single ray of sunlight for the past 2 1/2 weeks! And I really miss it.
It is such a blessing to work in a place where you have encouragement from your co-workers to keep my focus on serving the Lord. Like I have stated in past posts, it's been a trying time for. And I feel as though I have compromised myself with the world in a way...and I feel so much guilt and heartache. As today I was explaining to a classmate my plans for when I graduate nursing school and it just seemed as though I was a fool. But then it is good to know when Paul say's in I Corinthians 4:10 "We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable, but we are despised." And I know that the Lord has a wonderful plan in my life, though I can not see it, though I wish I could. But where's the faith in that? But it's good to have comfort even though we don't understand.
But God is Good and He is always right, and I know that it is for my good and for his glory!
***I have some pictures from camp:
Me and my brother

Millie & I

The Youth Choir

Our totally awesome bus "THE BEAST!!!"

May God bless! And hope every one had a wonderful week!
So to bring everything up to date, I received amazing news that I have a 89.4 GPA (1 point away from a A!!!) So I was pretty happy, I gets harder and harder each week with school so I'm ready for a break.
It's really foggy tonight, and when I was driving home from work, I couldn't see anything, so I was driving like 30 mph in a 45 mph zone. It looks like a scary movie outside lol. *totally random* That's why I named the title for this post...I have not seen a single ray of sunlight for the past 2 1/2 weeks! And I really miss it.
It is such a blessing to work in a place where you have encouragement from your co-workers to keep my focus on serving the Lord. Like I have stated in past posts, it's been a trying time for. And I feel as though I have compromised myself with the world in a way...and I feel so much guilt and heartache. As today I was explaining to a classmate my plans for when I graduate nursing school and it just seemed as though I was a fool. But then it is good to know when Paul say's in I Corinthians 4:10 "We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable, but we are despised." And I know that the Lord has a wonderful plan in my life, though I can not see it, though I wish I could. But where's the faith in that? But it's good to have comfort even though we don't understand.
But God is Good and He is always right, and I know that it is for my good and for his glory!
***I have some pictures from camp:
Me and my brother
Millie & I
The Youth Choir
Our totally awesome bus "THE BEAST!!!"
May God bless! And hope every one had a wonderful week!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My help cometh from the Lord...
Sorry it's been a while since my update, nursing school has taken most of my time in everything, so it's a little blessing every once in a while to take a deep breath from school and relax. *though right now i'm just taking a break from studying this time of night* :D
But just wanted to let everyone know, that things are going pretty good. But I need a prayer request. As a Christian we fight a battle everyday in our lives; the devil, our flesh, this world. And starting this school has been an eye opener to me, and I get scared. I have lived all my life living for the one who died for me, and loves me no matter what I have done. And right now having the faith to take a stand in a classroom where people don't understand where you are coming from, and why you believe the things you do, it's hard for someone like me. But whoever reads this please pray for me that I can stand for my Lord and not be ashamed to tell other's about him, to pray that when people want to 'conform' me to their way's that my faith and my standards will not falter, because I am fighting this flesh everyday.
I pray that the Lord will use this in his ministry, to help me pass the final/license exam when this is over to provide a good job for me to pay for bible college next fall, but just little things.
But just wanted to let everyone know, that things are going pretty good. But I need a prayer request. As a Christian we fight a battle everyday in our lives; the devil, our flesh, this world. And starting this school has been an eye opener to me, and I get scared. I have lived all my life living for the one who died for me, and loves me no matter what I have done. And right now having the faith to take a stand in a classroom where people don't understand where you are coming from, and why you believe the things you do, it's hard for someone like me. But whoever reads this please pray for me that I can stand for my Lord and not be ashamed to tell other's about him, to pray that when people want to 'conform' me to their way's that my faith and my standards will not falter, because I am fighting this flesh everyday.
I pray that the Lord will use this in his ministry, to help me pass the final/license exam when this is over to provide a good job for me to pay for bible college next fall, but just little things.
Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them." Psalm 119:165
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Is now fully prepared for college!
So everything went fine today during registration, it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was going to be. Though it took forever to get my picture done for our school card...
So I've gotten all my books and they are pretty thick, though for some reason and I don't understand why...is that the books that look the skinniest are the most expensive. The world may never know haha!
And then I got my schedule so I'm gonna be pretty busy this year:
Monday's and Tuesday's - Basic/Advanced Nursing Skills & Vocational Nursing Lab (and that takes all day)
Wednesday's and Friday's are my clinical day's at the hospital
Thursday's are my most busiest day's with - Vocational Nursing Concepts, Growth & Development, Disease & Control Preventions, Anatomy and Physiology *FOR THREE HOURS D:* , and another three hours of Essentials of Med Administration
So I believe that I am going to need a lot of coffee this year!
But also on the other note, I found this pretty awesome verse when I was reading my Bible, on how we need to be a light to this world and share the gospel with others:
"Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
Acts 26:17 & 18
So I've gotten all my books and they are pretty thick, though for some reason and I don't understand why...is that the books that look the skinniest are the most expensive. The world may never know haha!
And then I got my schedule so I'm gonna be pretty busy this year:
Monday's and Tuesday's - Basic/Advanced Nursing Skills & Vocational Nursing Lab (and that takes all day)
Wednesday's and Friday's are my clinical day's at the hospital
Thursday's are my most busiest day's with - Vocational Nursing Concepts, Growth & Development, Disease & Control Preventions, Anatomy and Physiology *FOR THREE HOURS D:* , and another three hours of Essentials of Med Administration
So I believe that I am going to need a lot of coffee this year!
But also on the other note, I found this pretty awesome verse when I was reading my Bible, on how we need to be a light to this world and share the gospel with others:
"Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
Acts 26:17 & 18
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Pic!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
"...Thou wilt prepare their heart..."
I believe that I am on a roll these past two weeks with updates :)
Today in church my friend Millie showed me this verse today and I would like to share :)
As school is starting back for most of us again... :(
Next Monday for me lol

As a young adult, I have the fears of everything not being provided, If I could put it to words that way. I think we all know that college is very expensive, especially in today's economy, it is hard to provide for anything or just even have the money to make it through. And it scares me as an 18 year old that I don't have anything that could help me through this year, I fear of my service to the Lord this year, in that I won't be doing what I need to do, or be distracted in some way or another. The amount of debt I will be in at 19, and starting bible college, where I have to be on my own. These might seem like petty little things in comparison to other things. But to me they are big mountains that I feel I cannot climb.
But it is so good to know that I have a God that will provide. I know that I can put my complete faith and trust in him, but even at that I am human...flesh that wants to tear me apart, and put my trust into worry. I know that he has allowed thins in my life for a reason. I know that starting nursing school, is something he is allowing me to do, knowing that it can be very beneficial to his ministry on the mission field. And that through Bible College he is going to provide every step of the way.
I know that even these next two years, I will feel like I want to give up.
And I'm scared.
But the Lord has heard the desires of my heart, and I know that he will prepare my heart as long as I keep looking to him.
This post is kinda like 'my diary' kinda post.
I needed to write this down.
Today in church my friend Millie showed me this verse today and I would like to share :)
Lord thou hast heard the desires of the humble, thou wilt prepare there heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear. Psalms 10:17
As school is starting back for most of us again... :(
Next Monday for me lol
As a young adult, I have the fears of everything not being provided, If I could put it to words that way. I think we all know that college is very expensive, especially in today's economy, it is hard to provide for anything or just even have the money to make it through. And it scares me as an 18 year old that I don't have anything that could help me through this year, I fear of my service to the Lord this year, in that I won't be doing what I need to do, or be distracted in some way or another. The amount of debt I will be in at 19, and starting bible college, where I have to be on my own. These might seem like petty little things in comparison to other things. But to me they are big mountains that I feel I cannot climb.
But it is so good to know that I have a God that will provide. I know that I can put my complete faith and trust in him, but even at that I am human...flesh that wants to tear me apart, and put my trust into worry. I know that he has allowed thins in my life for a reason. I know that starting nursing school, is something he is allowing me to do, knowing that it can be very beneficial to his ministry on the mission field. And that through Bible College he is going to provide every step of the way.
I know that even these next two years, I will feel like I want to give up.
And I'm scared.
But the Lord has heard the desires of my heart, and I know that he will prepare my heart as long as I keep looking to him.
This post is kinda like 'my diary' kinda post.
I needed to write this down.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I Rest my Case at the Cross

I love this song :)
There's a covenant sweet,
it was written for me,
it's a promise that I could be healed..
from All my sin and my shame,
even heartache and pain,
it was signed and confirmed on a hill.
So I rest my case at the cross,
for now I have someone to champion my cause,
I've been justified,
oh, I have it all,
so I rest my case at the cross.
Don't feel sorry for me
when you see I'm in need,
there's a judge who grants mercy and love,
All my burdens He lifts,
All my sin he forgives,
Every time is won through the blood.
So I rest my case at the cross,
for now I have someone to champion my cause,
I've been justified,
oh, I have it all,
so I rest my case at the cross.
In the cross, in the cross...
be my glory ever,
This covenant is binding
by His blood and His word,
every trial and trouble...
my case will be heard,
I've been justified,
oh, I have it all,
so I rest my case at the cross.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
As a wonderful summer is drawing to a close...
It's been so long again. That I have posted on my blog, I think I'm having a hard time write now just sitting and typing on the computer. LOL
So I think the last time I posted something on here was before we left for camp. So I will try to pack in my summer in this post. We'll after coming home from my trip from El Paso, I started teaching my first Sunday School class (4th-6th grade girls), and it's been 1 month and a week since I've started, and it is such a blessing to teach those young ladies about the Lord and how good he is in our lives. I know that even at 18, I still don't have the knowledge to teach these girls everything, because even I am learning myself, but even the little things have become a blessing to me, I was so nervous that none of the girls would memorize there verses, bring their folders, or just plain out think I'm boring or something Haha :) But week after week these young ladies seem to impress me more and more every time I see them. We just got done with a big lesson on keeping a pure heart and life and my prayer is that they would consider living that pure life for the Lord and for themselves until he provides them with someone wonderful that God intended for them. So for this next yr. before Bible college, it is my prayer that I will be a blessing and example to these girls.
Wow. So much to say for a looooong week :) The preaching was phenomenal from Bro. Jason Gaddis and Bro. Kenny Baldwin they were messages that I needed in my life. At 18 I find it difficult to just stay patient. And most teenagers are. Just staying in the will of the Lord and just to keep falling in love with him and developing my walk with him is very important right now, than finding something else that is just temporary. And I pray that the Lord will give me the patience that I need because I know that the end results will be wonderful. Because our God is good.
My birthday fell at camp again this year...and I am so blessed to have wonderful friends that love me :) Mrs. Toni made me a zinger cake (Twinkie) haha that was in the shape of an '18' and it was cute, I love all my kids on my bus route and they made that day special as well as giving me hugs saying happy birthday, ect... I feel horrible now thinking I had a sour attitude earlier that morning. and I apologize but thank you for making it a wonderful birthday :)
Camp is just a wonderful experience and I wish to say I was going again next year, but school is very important right now. ( I start on the 24th...pretty excited and nervous) but maybe the Lord will provide a way.
This past week we came back from youth confrence and I can say that I have never been so worn out before than when I came back. I went to the College and Career session and the lessons were about marriage and communication, but I felt so awkward in there because I'm not used to being around people my age (or a little older) in a class (besides school...but public school is so much different, than being surrounded with people that want to serve the Lord) my mom asked if I was going to feel that way when I go to Heartland next year and I said probably but I know that it's going to be a wonderful experience.
Also, before we left we had a men's tour group from West Coast Baptist College come through called Sound Doctrine and they were amazing :) It's such a blessing hearing songs that just comfort you. Music has a very powerful influence because I know that I have trouble with it before, but taking the trash out and replacing it with Good godly music soothes the soul and just gives you that spiritual boost when you hear a song that can help you through a trial.
Just like this song I'm listening to right now with a group called Witness! from Heartland Baptist Bible college.... We love to sing the music
"Song's that will point you to an old rugged cross, some with a message that is clear, we're not singing for a claim, we just love lifting Jesus name, We love to sing the music God loves to hear... "
So my fingers are hurting right now lol but this will bring my summer to an end, I register for classes next week and I wish you all a wonderful rest of the summer :D
Bye :)
***And this post is dedicated to the wonderful Mrs. Toni Vinson, whose Birthday is today :) and I just want to say thank you for being a wonderful friend, counselor, and a second mother too me :) You have done so much for me and I thank you for every thing you have done. :)
Love you oh so very much,
When you move to Nebraska,u guy's won't be there for long, because I will come kidnap ya'll and then I figure out something at that time then...lol *cues the music from the Wizard of Oz* muhahahahahahahhaaaa lol
Happy Birthday :)
So I think the last time I posted something on here was before we left for camp. So I will try to pack in my summer in this post. We'll after coming home from my trip from El Paso, I started teaching my first Sunday School class (4th-6th grade girls), and it's been 1 month and a week since I've started, and it is such a blessing to teach those young ladies about the Lord and how good he is in our lives. I know that even at 18, I still don't have the knowledge to teach these girls everything, because even I am learning myself, but even the little things have become a blessing to me, I was so nervous that none of the girls would memorize there verses, bring their folders, or just plain out think I'm boring or something Haha :) But week after week these young ladies seem to impress me more and more every time I see them. We just got done with a big lesson on keeping a pure heart and life and my prayer is that they would consider living that pure life for the Lord and for themselves until he provides them with someone wonderful that God intended for them. So for this next yr. before Bible college, it is my prayer that I will be a blessing and example to these girls.
Wow. So much to say for a looooong week :) The preaching was phenomenal from Bro. Jason Gaddis and Bro. Kenny Baldwin they were messages that I needed in my life. At 18 I find it difficult to just stay patient. And most teenagers are. Just staying in the will of the Lord and just to keep falling in love with him and developing my walk with him is very important right now, than finding something else that is just temporary. And I pray that the Lord will give me the patience that I need because I know that the end results will be wonderful. Because our God is good.
My birthday fell at camp again this year...and I am so blessed to have wonderful friends that love me :) Mrs. Toni made me a zinger cake (Twinkie) haha that was in the shape of an '18' and it was cute, I love all my kids on my bus route and they made that day special as well as giving me hugs saying happy birthday, ect... I feel horrible now thinking I had a sour attitude earlier that morning. and I apologize but thank you for making it a wonderful birthday :)
Camp is just a wonderful experience and I wish to say I was going again next year, but school is very important right now. ( I start on the 24th...pretty excited and nervous) but maybe the Lord will provide a way.
This past week we came back from youth confrence and I can say that I have never been so worn out before than when I came back. I went to the College and Career session and the lessons were about marriage and communication, but I felt so awkward in there because I'm not used to being around people my age (or a little older) in a class (besides school...but public school is so much different, than being surrounded with people that want to serve the Lord) my mom asked if I was going to feel that way when I go to Heartland next year and I said probably but I know that it's going to be a wonderful experience.
Also, before we left we had a men's tour group from West Coast Baptist College come through called Sound Doctrine and they were amazing :) It's such a blessing hearing songs that just comfort you. Music has a very powerful influence because I know that I have trouble with it before, but taking the trash out and replacing it with Good godly music soothes the soul and just gives you that spiritual boost when you hear a song that can help you through a trial.
Just like this song I'm listening to right now with a group called Witness! from Heartland Baptist Bible college.... We love to sing the music
"Song's that will point you to an old rugged cross, some with a message that is clear, we're not singing for a claim, we just love lifting Jesus name, We love to sing the music God loves to hear... "
So my fingers are hurting right now lol but this will bring my summer to an end, I register for classes next week and I wish you all a wonderful rest of the summer :D
Bye :)
***And this post is dedicated to the wonderful Mrs. Toni Vinson, whose Birthday is today :) and I just want to say thank you for being a wonderful friend, counselor, and a second mother too me :) You have done so much for me and I thank you for every thing you have done. :)
Love you oh so very much,
When you move to Nebraska,u guy's won't be there for long, because I will come kidnap ya'll and then I figure out something at that time then...lol *cues the music from the Wizard of Oz* muhahahahahahahhaaaa lol
Happy Birthday :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
If we live to be 103...best friends we'll always be
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD
It's pretty late right now. But after reading this passage of beautiful scripture, I just couldn't help but write my thoughts down :)
I remember reading this a couple times before but it seems that it has really spoke to me this morning. And I hope that it does to you as well. It always seems to facinate me when the Lord speaks to us through his word, and I will never get enough of it because he is so good to me.
But now as I write these blessed words down, I am blessed to know that I am secure in the arms of my Lord and that no trials or fears should get in my way. With my savior who loves me.
1.The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
2. When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
3. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.
5. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
I hope this can be a blessing to someone as well as it has done for me.
Don't be afraid to comment!!!
What does this beautiful passage mean to you?
I remember reading this a couple times before but it seems that it has really spoke to me this morning. And I hope that it does to you as well. It always seems to facinate me when the Lord speaks to us through his word, and I will never get enough of it because he is so good to me.
But now as I write these blessed words down, I am blessed to know that I am secure in the arms of my Lord and that no trials or fears should get in my way. With my savior who loves me.
1.The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
It is so good to know that the Lord is my light in this dark world and that I am glad to know that I am saved today because of him never giving up on me. And though I may be caught in this world through troubles and trials, I don't need to be afraid, because when I am weak he is strong and he is my strength in my life.
2. When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
3. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
'My heart shall not fear' - I love those words because through him in times of trouble I will be confident, because I know he takes care of me everyday of my life.
4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.
Now when I read this verse, it touched my heart, Seeing David's desire to please the Lord is what I hope and desire as well in my life. That's why I love reading about David because I can relate to him so much through my life and seeing his dependance on the Lord wants to me to know my Lord more. Knowing the things I desire for him, I must seek through his word, and fellowshiping with him through my prayers to him. I pray that I will never be discouraged enough that I don't want to go to church or want to grow in his word anymore.
5. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
Praise the Lord! That in times of trouble in our lives he comforts us and will set me upon a rock so I can stand strong in him :)
6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
It is good to sing praises to him :) Godly music has changed my life in so many ways.
7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
Though sometimes I feel that the Lord can't hear me, because sometimes it is hard to understand with billions of people in this world, he can hear me. But our God is a BIG God and is wonderful to know that he answers our prayers, and calms our spirts when we are discouraged. I know that when my grandpa died and I went alone on a walk, I feel like I am closer to my Lord and can feel him around me.
8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
And Lord, your face do I seek as well.
9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
And it is good to know through his words that he will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Thank you Lord.
10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
And I pray through my walk with him that I will wait on the Lord, and that he will strengthen my heart, my faith, my joy in him and that I will never be ashamed to proclaim his goodness with everyone around me.
I hope this can be a blessing to someone as well as it has done for me.
Don't be afraid to comment!!!
What does this beautiful passage mean to you?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I'm really loving summer right now
Here is another long delayed update.
Nothing that interesting has really happened until now ;)
First of all I would like everyone to meet my best friends little baby boy: Asher Jayden Adams

He is so cuteeeee :)
Besides that, I have been pretty busy I just came back this week from my graduation trip to El Paso, and I loved it all the way. It was my first time flying so I was pretty scared most of the time, I couldn't sleep that night before I left. But the Lord is so good, during that night my mind was filled with godly songs and the verse "God has not given us the spirit of fear..." And then I knew that I didn't need to be afraid because the Lord is in control. And though it is just a little thing to be afraid of with a BIG God. He is still so good to me.
When we arrived, it some how felt that I just came home. I was born in El Paso and just seeing the desert plains, and the beautiful mountains. It is just an amazing wonder of all the things that God created, and the beauty that we all can enjoy today.
***Once I can get the picture on this computer I took a lovely picture of the mountains with the sun setting (it was beautiful) and also the rainbow over the palm tree was pretty too.
We were pretty busy the whole time we were there picking flowers for my great grandmother for her garden, visting family, shopping, helping my great grandma with her picnic for her neighborhood which she was so excited about. I am so glad that me and my grandma were a blessing to her when we were there.
Though I was tired and ready to sleep in my own bed again *lol*
I didn't want to leave.
It just feels good to get away from things once and awhile and come back refreshed and stress free :)
Though I didn't mind all the compliments I got while I was over there. Which was really strange because I never had that before. So I also feel that I had a couple steps ahead in my mountain of gaining self esteem.
Tommorows a busy day. I get to start my first sunday school class (if that is correctly said) with 4th - 6th grade girls and I pretty stoked about it :) I just pray that the Lord would use me in a mighty way, in those girls lives.
AND ALSO I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THE 3RD ENSTALMENT OF STREAMS IN THE DESERT TRIO that my grandma bought for me at the church we visted (Hilcrest Baptist Church) they had a bookstore and it was pretty cheap. So I've been listening to it constantly :)
So 2 more weeks till camp. And if I don't post anything by then. You will hear me afterwards. Because 20 more days till I am 18!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing that interesting has really happened until now ;)
First of all I would like everyone to meet my best friends little baby boy: Asher Jayden Adams

He is so cuteeeee :)
Besides that, I have been pretty busy I just came back this week from my graduation trip to El Paso, and I loved it all the way. It was my first time flying so I was pretty scared most of the time, I couldn't sleep that night before I left. But the Lord is so good, during that night my mind was filled with godly songs and the verse "God has not given us the spirit of fear..." And then I knew that I didn't need to be afraid because the Lord is in control. And though it is just a little thing to be afraid of with a BIG God. He is still so good to me.
When we arrived, it some how felt that I just came home. I was born in El Paso and just seeing the desert plains, and the beautiful mountains. It is just an amazing wonder of all the things that God created, and the beauty that we all can enjoy today.
***Once I can get the picture on this computer I took a lovely picture of the mountains with the sun setting (it was beautiful) and also the rainbow over the palm tree was pretty too.
We were pretty busy the whole time we were there picking flowers for my great grandmother for her garden, visting family, shopping, helping my great grandma with her picnic for her neighborhood which she was so excited about. I am so glad that me and my grandma were a blessing to her when we were there.
Though I was tired and ready to sleep in my own bed again *lol*
I didn't want to leave.
It just feels good to get away from things once and awhile and come back refreshed and stress free :)
Though I didn't mind all the compliments I got while I was over there. Which was really strange because I never had that before. So I also feel that I had a couple steps ahead in my mountain of gaining self esteem.
Tommorows a busy day. I get to start my first sunday school class (if that is correctly said) with 4th - 6th grade girls and I pretty stoked about it :) I just pray that the Lord would use me in a mighty way, in those girls lives.
AND ALSO I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THE 3RD ENSTALMENT OF STREAMS IN THE DESERT TRIO that my grandma bought for me at the church we visted (Hilcrest Baptist Church) they had a bookstore and it was pretty cheap. So I've been listening to it constantly :)
So 2 more weeks till camp. And if I don't post anything by then. You will hear me afterwards. Because 20 more days till I am 18!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The life of a graduate
It's not interesting at all...
Though I didn't really expect it to be at all either.
I'm excited now that I get to go to camp after begging on my hands and knees to my boss to let me go. We'll not really...but checking if other co-workers could cover for me that week. Though I don't know if I like the feeling of my 18th birthday being at camp...because I hate getting embarrased. For the past 6 years in my life I believe my birthday has been somewhere except at home except for home...
Let's see...
1. For my 10th birthday I was at Carlsbad Caverns
2,3. Can't really remember
4. For my 13th birthday I was at Ft. Worth, TX for a Youth Rally
5. For my 14th birthday I was coming home from Youth Confrence and ended up having it with our youth group at a gas station
6. For my 15th birthday IT WAS AT HOME!!!!!!! :D
7. For my 16th bithday close to confrence but I think I did have it at home
8. For my 17th birthday I was at camp in Eufala, Ok
9. and no for my 18th...it's going to be at the same place as last year
I wonder how my parents feel now....I've never really asked them...but they let me go to all the activites :)
But right now summer is not fun...yet it's just day two.
Working doesn't count.
So I love everyone in my church apparently they held a suprise graduation party for me sunday night and I was pretty shocked it's a long story but has a happy ending.
I'm guessing our dreams do come true lol.
So I bought these sandles yesterday

and I am in love with them :)
My friend say's I'm getting REALLY 'girly' right now...
Though I didn't really expect it to be at all either.
I'm excited now that I get to go to camp after begging on my hands and knees to my boss to let me go. We'll not really...but checking if other co-workers could cover for me that week. Though I don't know if I like the feeling of my 18th birthday being at camp...because I hate getting embarrased. For the past 6 years in my life I believe my birthday has been somewhere except at home except for home...
Let's see...
1. For my 10th birthday I was at Carlsbad Caverns
2,3. Can't really remember
4. For my 13th birthday I was at Ft. Worth, TX for a Youth Rally
5. For my 14th birthday I was coming home from Youth Confrence and ended up having it with our youth group at a gas station
6. For my 15th birthday IT WAS AT HOME!!!!!!! :D
7. For my 16th bithday close to confrence but I think I did have it at home
8. For my 17th birthday I was at camp in Eufala, Ok
*Side note* It's really funny though...once everyone knew it was my birthday some guy started to pretty much stalk me, I was ready one of my books in the gym and our chior director was sitting a couple of rows behind me and this guy came up to me and asked me if I liked Dr. Pepper, I felt really bad because I don't like Dr. Pepper at all...so I told him no and apparently he already bought the drink and was going to give it to me, so then he tried to offer me his bandana and...ya I think I broke his heart...I couldn't even date then. So I really pray that something like that won't happen again this year. ;)
9. and no for my 18th...it's going to be at the same place as last year
I wonder how my parents feel now....I've never really asked them...but they let me go to all the activites :)
But right now summer is not fun...yet it's just day two.
Working doesn't count.
So I love everyone in my church apparently they held a suprise graduation party for me sunday night and I was pretty shocked it's a long story but has a happy ending.
I'm guessing our dreams do come true lol.
So I bought these sandles yesterday

and I am in love with them :)
My friend say's I'm getting REALLY 'girly' right now...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Pomp and Circumstance
We'll today is the day.
And the anticipation is building up every second. I get butterflies one minute and then feel fine the next, but that is expected. But in reality I will still probably feel like I am still in High School until I'm in college, but who knows maybe after tonight I will finally feel free :)
*Cue the speech*
First of all I would like to thank all my family and friends for all that they have done for me and I love them all very much you guys were my supporters, and strength to lean on. But most of all I thank my Lord for help me through these 13 years of my life and I still pray that he will still lead me in the path that I must follow. I hope that I have made you all proud. And now it's time to open a new chapter.
*tears everywhere*
haha :D
But thank you all it's been quite an experiance
Now I'm off to get ready!!!!
And the anticipation is building up every second. I get butterflies one minute and then feel fine the next, but that is expected. But in reality I will still probably feel like I am still in High School until I'm in college, but who knows maybe after tonight I will finally feel free :)
*Cue the speech*
First of all I would like to thank all my family and friends for all that they have done for me and I love them all very much you guys were my supporters, and strength to lean on. But most of all I thank my Lord for help me through these 13 years of my life and I still pray that he will still lead me in the path that I must follow. I hope that I have made you all proud. And now it's time to open a new chapter.
*tears everywhere*
haha :D
But thank you all it's been quite an experiance
Now I'm off to get ready!!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I can feel the summer heat...
Only One more week left!!!!
But actually feeling that I am graduated and leaving high school won't probably hit me until I get my diploma. I am just really wierd like that. I haven't been on for a while because things are still pretty hetic in my life right now trying to find a new job for this summer and preparing for Finals, ect... I am just ready to relax which probably won't happen anymore either because this is a new start for me as I enter adulthood...pretty scary but I know that the Lord will help me a guide me through.
So I am ready for summer (though it gets pretty hot down here in Texas) and all the vacations I get to go to.
So for my senior trip I'm going back to my home town of El Paso and I am pretty stoked about that because I haven't been there since I was ten, and my lovely great grandmother lives there. And then I might be able to go for a day or two at camp, my birthday falls in that same week again and I don't know if I want to be embarrased or not *lol* though I know some people who would LOVE to do that *cough cough* :D And then finally I have confrence at Heartland Baptist Bible College/Southwest Baptist Church and I am really excited for that!!!
It seems that my summer is not that busy unless you can add working to that as well. But I must enjoy it because college is approaching and I need to be focuesed.
But actually feeling that I am graduated and leaving high school won't probably hit me until I get my diploma. I am just really wierd like that. I haven't been on for a while because things are still pretty hetic in my life right now trying to find a new job for this summer and preparing for Finals, ect... I am just ready to relax which probably won't happen anymore either because this is a new start for me as I enter adulthood...pretty scary but I know that the Lord will help me a guide me through.
So I am ready for summer (though it gets pretty hot down here in Texas) and all the vacations I get to go to.
So for my senior trip I'm going back to my home town of El Paso and I am pretty stoked about that because I haven't been there since I was ten, and my lovely great grandmother lives there. And then I might be able to go for a day or two at camp, my birthday falls in that same week again and I don't know if I want to be embarrased or not *lol* though I know some people who would LOVE to do that *cough cough* :D And then finally I have confrence at Heartland Baptist Bible College/Southwest Baptist Church and I am really excited for that!!!
It seems that my summer is not that busy unless you can add working to that as well. But I must enjoy it because college is approaching and I need to be focuesed.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tweet Tweet Tweet :)
Another week gone by, seriously they get longer and longer.
But on the bright side 28 MORE DAYS TILL GRADUATION!!!!
YAY!!! :D
But now I have to ruin it with sad news....(I'm such a scrooge)
Someone stole my cell phone at school today, and I really don't know how that happened, so we suspended the account until we can figure out what to do. UGH. I feel naked with out it, last night I didn't know how I was going to wake up because I use my cell phone as an alarm, so now I have to buy an alarm clock, so it's a little frustrating. :(
So recently (actually yesterday) I made a Twitter account :)
it's pretty awesome I would say. I get to follow Bro. Paul Chappell, Mrs.Chappell, Bro. Cary Schmidt ect.... so it's pretty neat and it allows you to keep up with each other so this is my account:
We'll gots to go and working on our girls discipleship class that we are praying that the Lord will allow to happen. Sometimes I wonder how Pastors do this because this is a lot of work :)
But on the bright side 28 MORE DAYS TILL GRADUATION!!!!
YAY!!! :D
But now I have to ruin it with sad news....(I'm such a scrooge)
Someone stole my cell phone at school today, and I really don't know how that happened, so we suspended the account until we can figure out what to do. UGH. I feel naked with out it, last night I didn't know how I was going to wake up because I use my cell phone as an alarm, so now I have to buy an alarm clock, so it's a little frustrating. :(
So recently (actually yesterday) I made a Twitter account :)
it's pretty awesome I would say. I get to follow Bro. Paul Chappell, Mrs.Chappell, Bro. Cary Schmidt ect.... so it's pretty neat and it allows you to keep up with each other so this is my account:
We'll gots to go and working on our girls discipleship class that we are praying that the Lord will allow to happen. Sometimes I wonder how Pastors do this because this is a lot of work :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wow. All I can say right now is that I am really sorry that I haven't have time to make posts lately about "my busy yet boring life."
Graduation is coming so close now that it seems that it is still so far away...my patience is drawing pretty thin :) But right now it still doesn't see that it's really happening right now, I have my cap and gown, I have all my invitations (which are so UGLY by the way) because our school has no taste I guess or should I say the company??? The world may never know. :) But I guess in the end it's gonna hit probably the moment I get the diploma in my hand. It's kinda scary because though I am ready to leave high school...I'm not ready to embrace adult hood yet. I'm like all other foolish teenagers in the world that want to grow up so quickly and be independent (which I still want to do) but not in the pace that everything is going in right now if it makes sense. Money seems like something that flies away once you have it in your hands. And just thinking about paying for my college education is frightening. Though I know that the Lord will help me through...it's still hard. I'm reading right now Discover Your Destiny by Bro. Cary Schmidt from Lancaster Baptist Church in California and all I can say is that this book is AMAZING and I encourage all teenagers no matter how old you are to read this book because though I'm about to embrace adulthood this book has opened my eyes.
But anyways everything is kinda chill but yet busy in my life and I guess once Nursing school is done in this next year and I can save peoples lives :) Bible College HERE I COME because this girl is ready to GO!!!
P.S. If you would like to help me with my college education fund please send your donations too...
Help Vivi With College Foundation
Wichita Falls, Texas
Just kidding :D
Graduation is coming so close now that it seems that it is still so far away...my patience is drawing pretty thin :) But right now it still doesn't see that it's really happening right now, I have my cap and gown, I have all my invitations (which are so UGLY by the way) because our school has no taste I guess or should I say the company??? The world may never know. :) But I guess in the end it's gonna hit probably the moment I get the diploma in my hand. It's kinda scary because though I am ready to leave high school...I'm not ready to embrace adult hood yet. I'm like all other foolish teenagers in the world that want to grow up so quickly and be independent (which I still want to do) but not in the pace that everything is going in right now if it makes sense. Money seems like something that flies away once you have it in your hands. And just thinking about paying for my college education is frightening. Though I know that the Lord will help me through...it's still hard. I'm reading right now Discover Your Destiny by Bro. Cary Schmidt from Lancaster Baptist Church in California and all I can say is that this book is AMAZING and I encourage all teenagers no matter how old you are to read this book because though I'm about to embrace adulthood this book has opened my eyes.
But anyways everything is kinda chill but yet busy in my life and I guess once Nursing school is done in this next year and I can save peoples lives :) Bible College HERE I COME because this girl is ready to GO!!!
P.S. If you would like to help me with my college education fund please send your donations too...
Help Vivi With College Foundation
Wichita Falls, Texas
Just kidding :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you
I just wanted to pop by and give everyone a big thank you for all your prayers while my family is going through these hard times. Everything is going a little better right now, we had the funeral and it was beautiful, I believe my papa would be very proud of it. We've been staying this whole week with my grandma and helping her with these troubled times and it was good to see her laugh and eat more today while we were telling funny stories of my papa when my dad was growing up. Like it says in Proverbs 17:22a:
But it was just a blessing to see her look better, though I know these will be hard times for her I am glad that we live close together (15 min away) and that she knows that family will always be here for her. I believe this is a sense of a closing though we know that the ones we love are always there with us in our hearts, it brings a sense of peace within ourselves. Because I know that one day I will see my papa again in heaven and it will be A JOYFUL FAMILY REUNION!
I just wanted to pop by and give everyone a big thank you for all your prayers while my family is going through these hard times. Everything is going a little better right now, we had the funeral and it was beautiful, I believe my papa would be very proud of it. We've been staying this whole week with my grandma and helping her with these troubled times and it was good to see her laugh and eat more today while we were telling funny stories of my papa when my dad was growing up. Like it says in Proverbs 17:22a:
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..."
But it was just a blessing to see her look better, though I know these will be hard times for her I am glad that we live close together (15 min away) and that she knows that family will always be here for her. I believe this is a sense of a closing though we know that the ones we love are always there with us in our hearts, it brings a sense of peace within ourselves. Because I know that one day I will see my papa again in heaven and it will be A JOYFUL FAMILY REUNION!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.
I feel so weird right now because I don't have my laptop...well I do have it but the cord died and now it is not working and in this age of technology, I feel like I really don't have nothing to do :D
I Wonder how do people in the past deal with all this boredom???
I'm trying to be happy right now because my grandpa just died early Tuesday morning from what we think was a massive heart attack, but we have to wait for the autopsy results to comeback in which they said would take two days now will probably take months. It's a little frustrating right now.
When this just happened, I went into complete shock because though I am not showing my emotions on the outside, I feel so heavy inside. But I felt that yesterday I went out for a run and I found a little secluded spot that just seemed like a perfect place to just express how I feel and to just let everything out, when things happen so sudden and you just don't know what happens people tend to blame the Lord about it but when I looked around and saw thrown out beer bottles I picked up a stick from the ground and wrote in big letters "God is Good and God is right, he is good both day and night." And I sang that song:
And I just sat down and thanked the Lord for all the blessing that he has given me through out my life and just thanked him for LOVING ME SO MUCH, I just cried.
I don't understand, because the Lord has his reasons, but I am hurting so much right now because I love him (though I didn't do as I should have) and I will miss him because he always called me his 'baby girl' and right now all these memories with him when I was a little kid is just flooding back into my mind. I remember when I went over there in January and that was the last time I saw him and I went there to fill out my scholarship forms and it was just him and my grandma and nobody else, and he told me that he loved me comming over when not all the family is there because I could spend more quality time with them, because we were always busy during family gatherings. And now I wish I did that more often because it hurts so much right now.
But now I just worry for my family my grandma, and my dad, and my aunt because this is affecting each and everyone of us in different ways. But now I sit here and think that my papa won't be there for my graduation, for my wedding, or when I have my own children, I just miss him and I want to give him a big hug and tell him that I love him for loving me. But I know he's in heaven with the Lord now, and I just pray that the Lord will give me strength. Strength for myself and my family. I am just so glad that the Lord is good, and he has a plan for everything in my life.
During my bible reading I decided to open a psalms because when I feel down, I feel that it just helps me through because though David faces trials and tribulations he has peace with himself because he knows that the Lord is with him and will help him. And I read Psalms 116 and it helped me last night with so many things.
And through out this time I've been listening to this song over and over because the words have touched my heart.
Please listen.
The Lighthouse - West Coast Baptist College
But through the end of all of this, this is for my good and for His glory
and I thank everyone and there prayers.
And I know that I will get through this though it will take one step at a time my God will help me through and he has a big plan for me though I might lose ones that I love, he is my strength and my fortress, a strong a mighty tower that I can run too, and as I said before God is so good.
I Wonder how do people in the past deal with all this boredom???
I'm trying to be happy right now because my grandpa just died early Tuesday morning from what we think was a massive heart attack, but we have to wait for the autopsy results to comeback in which they said would take two days now will probably take months. It's a little frustrating right now.
When this just happened, I went into complete shock because though I am not showing my emotions on the outside, I feel so heavy inside. But I felt that yesterday I went out for a run and I found a little secluded spot that just seemed like a perfect place to just express how I feel and to just let everything out, when things happen so sudden and you just don't know what happens people tend to blame the Lord about it but when I looked around and saw thrown out beer bottles I picked up a stick from the ground and wrote in big letters "God is Good and God is right, he is good both day and night." And I sang that song:
God is good and God is right, God is good both day and night, he's always good so never fear he's always right and always near.
And I just sat down and thanked the Lord for all the blessing that he has given me through out my life and just thanked him for LOVING ME SO MUCH, I just cried.
I don't understand, because the Lord has his reasons, but I am hurting so much right now because I love him (though I didn't do as I should have) and I will miss him because he always called me his 'baby girl' and right now all these memories with him when I was a little kid is just flooding back into my mind. I remember when I went over there in January and that was the last time I saw him and I went there to fill out my scholarship forms and it was just him and my grandma and nobody else, and he told me that he loved me comming over when not all the family is there because I could spend more quality time with them, because we were always busy during family gatherings. And now I wish I did that more often because it hurts so much right now.
But now I just worry for my family my grandma, and my dad, and my aunt because this is affecting each and everyone of us in different ways. But now I sit here and think that my papa won't be there for my graduation, for my wedding, or when I have my own children, I just miss him and I want to give him a big hug and tell him that I love him for loving me. But I know he's in heaven with the Lord now, and I just pray that the Lord will give me strength. Strength for myself and my family. I am just so glad that the Lord is good, and he has a plan for everything in my life.
During my bible reading I decided to open a psalms because when I feel down, I feel that it just helps me through because though David faces trials and tribulations he has peace with himself because he knows that the Lord is with him and will help him. And I read Psalms 116 and it helped me last night with so many things.
I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
2Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.
3The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.
4Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.
5Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.
6The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.
7Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.
8For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
9I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
10I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted:
11I said in my haste, All men are liars.
12What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?
13I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
14I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people.
15Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
16O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.
17I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
18I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people.
19In the courts of the LORD's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.
And through out this time I've been listening to this song over and over because the words have touched my heart.
Please listen.
The Lighthouse - West Coast Baptist College
But through the end of all of this, this is for my good and for His glory
and I thank everyone and there prayers.
And I know that I will get through this though it will take one step at a time my God will help me through and he has a big plan for me though I might lose ones that I love, he is my strength and my fortress, a strong a mighty tower that I can run too, and as I said before God is so good.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm here to chase away these tears...Where we can chase away all these fears

In the times that I just want to be by myself and regather my thoughts and just actually think about things without no one telling you how they feel about some situation, I wish that I had a bench that overlooks everything and just feel like I'm on top of the world and just be myself.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Grab yourself a cup of coffee....and just relax
I feel like I'm about to posting a lot of things tonight because I am seriously bored.
On another post I said that I love to meditate, dream, and think. But I also love to read, when I have time I love to get a good book and just read. So I'm gonna make some recommendations if you love to read as well.
So find a comfortable place to sit and relax, make some french vanilla coffee, or what you like the best, grapes and crackers, a blanket and some smoothing piano music and enjoy your time reading.
1. Redeeming Love

I fell in love with this book instantly it is a must read.
2. The Princess

Lori Wick is one of my favorite authors, The Yellow Rose Trilogy is my favorite with (A Texas Sky, that is part of that series is one of my favorite books)
So here are just some recommendations for you, if you love to read, you will not be dissapointed.
On another post I said that I love to meditate, dream, and think. But I also love to read, when I have time I love to get a good book and just read. So I'm gonna make some recommendations if you love to read as well.
So find a comfortable place to sit and relax, make some french vanilla coffee, or what you like the best, grapes and crackers, a blanket and some smoothing piano music and enjoy your time reading.
1. Redeeming Love
In this splendid retelling of the biblical story of Hosea, bestselling author Francine Rivers pens a heartbreaking romance between a prostitute and the upright and kind farmer who marries her; the story also functions as a reminder of God's unconditional love for his people. Redeeming Love opens with the Gold Rush of 1850 and its rough-and-tumble atmosphere of greed and desire. Angel, who was sold into prostitution as a child, has learned to distrust all men, who see her only as a way to satisfy their lust. When the virtuous and spiritual-minded Michael Hosea is told by God to marry this "soiled dove," he obeys, despite his misgivings. As Angel learns to love him, she begins to hope again but is soon overwhelmed by fear and returns to her old life. Rivers shines in her ability to weave together spiritual themes and sexual tension in a well-told story, a talent that has propelled her into the spotlight as one of the most popular novelists in the genre of Christian fiction. This is one of her best. --Cindy Crosby
I fell in love with this book instantly it is a must read.
2. The Princess
Product Description
Now with a new cover, Lori Wick’s bestselling contemporary love story The Princess (over 200,000 copies sold) will reach even more readers.
In the Land of Pendaran, Shelby Parker lives a humble but good life. Her special qualities are eventually noticed by the king and queen of the House of Markham, who seek a new wife for their widowed son, Prince Nikolai.
To uphold the tradition of their country, Shelby and Nikolai agree to an arranged marriage. But while Nikolai is a perfect gentleman in public, he remains distant at home, leaving Shelby to wonder what is in his heart. Will the prince ever love her as he did his first wife? Can the faith they share overcome the barriers between them?
From the Back Cover
She’s so special already, Lord, Daria Parker prayed. Now she has You, and I can’t help but wonder if You might have something very remarkable and unfamiliar for our Shelby.
In the Land of Pendaran, lively, affectionate Shelby Parker was born to a simple life—yet her mother, Daria, and those around her cannot help but notice the graces she possesses. Among those taking note of Shelby’s winsome ways and tender heart are the king and queen of the House of Markham, who are seeking a new wife for their widowed son, Prince Nikolai.
To uphold a long-cherished tradition of the country, Shelby and Nikolai agree to an arranged marriage. But while Nikolai is a perfect gentleman at public functions, he remains distant and shy at home, leaving Shelby to ponder the inner workings of his heart. Will the prince ever love her as he did his first wife? Can the faith they share overcome the barriers between them?
A contemporary story of honor and commitment freely given and richly rewarded
Lori Wick is one of my favorite authors, The Yellow Rose Trilogy is my favorite with (A Texas Sky, that is part of that series is one of my favorite books)
So here are just some recommendations for you, if you love to read, you will not be dissapointed.
Here are some photo's

I really need a camera so I can take more pictures.
I love photography but I don't have a camera.
So sad.....
I really liked this one though it is really simple. It was raining that day and me and my friend Meagan went out to eat that day at a marvelous burrito place *the best one in the world* And were screaming the whole time on the road, when we were supposed to do our Physics project *which we did do :P* And when we were done we went out to the golf courses and had some fun out there.

Me and my friend Meagan
I really need a camera so I can take more pictures.
I love photography but I don't have a camera.
So sad.....
Friday, February 6, 2009
And when your on your way down through the clouds...

Through out the years of my life, I have found my self to be a meditator, a dreamer, and a thinker. Sometimes it's really just those moments to myself that help me obtain a tranquil sense of surrounding when everything else seems chaotic.
I love rainy weather. Just the rain and just a little hint thunder in the distance, but no lightning *shakes head no*. Which is funny because most people love sunny weather because it symbolizes happiness, while rainy weather reflects the opposite.
"It takes both rain and sunshine to make a Rainbow"
Though I love to feel the burst of sunshine through my skin, rather than cold air that makes me shiver to my bones. I find myself more through rainy weather. I tend to be more thoughtful and peaceful. I remember as a child that we had those screen doors and though you always heard the weather man say to 'STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS AND DOORS, ect...' I found myself doing the opposite, and opening the screen of the door and just sitting on the floor and just watching the rain. I always wanted to go out and twirl through the rain and singing that song from Barney about the rain which I cannot remember :D But I was always stuck watching the rain and daydreaming. But my favorite part was when it was over, and you would see a rainbow and just the smell, it's one of my favorite smells, to me it's like a perfume or something that the Lord created for us to enjoy.
I am glad that we are able to just sit and meditate because honsetly I don't know what I would do if I never sat down a just think about things, because when everything is just going wrong. I can sit a meditate and talk to my Lord and just let everything go.
"My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." Psalms 104:34 KJV
For my Good and For his Glory

"For my Good and For His Glory" - In my life today I look around and almost I am surrounded daily around wordly things, whether it is in school, shopping, even on the computer, I am filled with temptations and discouragement. But then I have to remind myself that I have a Lord Jesus Christ who loves me and died for my sins that all he ask's for me to do is to spread his word and be a living testimony for him. For my Good and For his Glory is a song that has touched my heart and my life, that it is an encouragement for me everytime I hear the song, because I know that if I live my life for Jesus Christ that it is for my good and for his glory. Here are the lyrics.
I must admit I don't understand,
Why God would let me face this painful circumstance,
All I have to cling to is His word and His name,
But that's enough so I will trust
Chorus: It's for my good and for his glory,
This trial's not the end of the story,
There's a bigger picture God alone can see,
It will take me through this sorrow
For I know he hold tommorow,
And he assures me, it's for my good and for His Glory
I love the Lord and he has promised me,
He'll work all things for good,
through my tears I believe, that his ways are higher than any of my own,
and though my heart aches,
He makes no mistake
Though I would not have chosen the suffering that has come,
I'm willing now to say,
'Lord not my will but thine be done'
This song has touched me so many times, I just always remember that though sometimes I may be facing a trial, or may be discouraged that he is always there and that He loves me, no matter what I have done.
My name is Vivana Hayhurst and I am seventeen years old, and live in Wichita Falls, TX, I was born in El Paso, TX (in which I miss living there all the time) and am a blood-washed born again Christian. I was saved in Oct. 2006 I was 14 and it was the first time our church and youth department held our first Extreme Night (which was a Friday Night activity to bring in teens around the city to have fun and hear the word of God) I can remember that I was almost not allowed to go that night, because I got in trouble in school that day (I don't rememeber what happened specificly, but I think they were about my grades) Right now I believe that it was Satan who did not want me going that night but finally I was allowed to go.
I was raised in church all my life and thought that I was saved at a young age, but as time progressed I began to doubt about my salvation, to me I thought we'll I'm in church and doing everything I can for the Lord but I felt a void in my life. I remember going to my old youth pastor and talking to him, but I quickly drew away and made myself believe that I was saved. But finally on that glorious day, The Lord forgave me of my sins and now I have eternal life with him forever more.
When I was twelve years old I made a commitment that changed my life, At Triple S Christian Ranch, it was my first year going to chuch camp and I surrendered my life to the Mission Field, and gave up my worldly ways. But let me tell you that when I came home I was 'fired' up to serve the Lord and then was torn down. At times my family and friends in school didn't understand my decisions, and I struggled with my walk with the Lord, because I soon to realize something about myself is that I do whatever I can to please people, and though I know that in the Bible we are not supposed to serve man but the Lord, I had my struggles.
But I always remember this verse:
The Lord is my light and my
salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the
strength of my life; of whom shall
I be afraid?
I am so thankful that the Lord saw fit to save me and give me things that I know that I don't deserve I thank him for giving me a family, a loving church, and friends to always be there when I need them. I hope that this is a blessing to you and whoever reads this. This is not all that goes on in my life but they are the BIG parts that made me who I am today.
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