Monday, August 2, 2010

The Four People-Types of Proverbs

I have been reading this book from Cary Schmidt called Life Quest and when I read this section of the book it touched mt hearts and I wanted to share. Part one will talk about - The Wise.

"The Bible is filled with passages that address these issues of ignorance and rebellion. (Earlier chapters he was discussing about how young adults in our society today feel as though they can be ignorant and rebel.) But none so repeatedly and pointedly as Proverbs. The point of the book of Proverbs is to make stupid people wise and to give rebelious people a second chance before it is too late. This is a book written from a father to a son, and because the Bible is God's word, Proverbs is also a book from your Heavenly Father to you!

Throughout the book, the father (Solomon) is pleading with the son (Rehoboam) to hear his words, receive instruction, and give his heart to the teachings. THis is a father on a a mission. He has seen somethings, made some mistakes, wrecked some lives. He has experienced the price of his own stupidity - his own ignorance and rebellion in many areas, and now he writes his son in pleading tones, hoping that he will avoid the same fate.

Early in Chapter One he writes, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction. My son, hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of my mother" (Proverbs 1: 7-8). Un other words, knowledge (the opposite of ignorance) begins with God! "My son, please hear my instruction and don't forsake it!" Can you hear his passionate panic? Can you feel his fervent fear for his son?...Turn away from ignorance and rebellion that is so popular and accepted in your culture and flee back to the Lord and his plans for your life! Please.

Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon repeatdly describes for kinds of people on this planet. He constantly contrasts the way they think, the way they live, and the end that they will find. He begs his son to see his life with the destination in view - to see the end from the beginning, and to live from that perspective. He was of the danger of the wrong path and expounds the blessing of the right path.

You too will be surrounded by those kinds of people. They personify the message of this chapter. You are one of them yourself. What are these four types of people?

1. The wise
2. The simple
3. The fool
4. The scorner

Honestly ask the Lord to show you which catagory you fit into right now. By the way, if you're in a catagory other than the wise, you don't have to stay there."

Part be continued - The Wise

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